7 Benefits Of Consuming Papaya Seed

Papaya is a fruit native to Mexico, very popular in many other countries. However, not many people know of the interesting benefits of consuming papaya seed. Why have they become popular? What nutrients do they provide?

These small seeds, like many others, concentrate bioactive compounds that contribute to well-being. In fact, in recent years they have been the subject of scientific research, as it is believed that they serve as an adjunct to take care of health. Discover its main uses.

Nutritional properties of papaya seed

Although for many years they were considered a waste, papaya seeds have nutritional properties that are worth taking advantage of. According to information published in the journal Molecules , they contain particularly polyphenols and flavonoids, two substances with antioxidant action that promote health.

They also provide monounsaturated fatty acids, such as oleic acid, as detailed in a study published in the Journal of Food Lipids . To a lesser extent, they are a source of vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber, nutrients that help improve the quality of the diet.

Benefits of consuming papaya seed

A 2014 review published in the  International Journal of Herbal Medicine , notes that papaya seeds have a peppery flavor that can be utilized as a substitute for black pepper when crushed.

This same review recalls that they are a very nutritious ingredient , as they contain fatty acids, proteins, fiber, oils and other substances that promote well-being. Do you know its benefits?

1. Helps fight fungi

Thanks to its antifungal properties, the papaya seed can be used as an ally to fight some infections caused by fungi. In a study published in the Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences , papaya seed extract was effective against three different strains of fungi.

Helps fight fungi

2. Help against food poisoning

Although food poisoning must be treated by the doctor, papaya seeds can serve as an adjunct to its treatment.

According to a review in the Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry , the extract made from papaya seeds can be effective against microorganisms such as E. coli, Salmonella, Staphylococus , among others.

3. Papaya seed for digestion

This ingredient makes a slight contribution of dietary fiber and, due to this, contributes to improving digestion. Fiber is a nutrient that moves through your gastrointestinal tract undigested, adding bulk to your stool to make it easier to pass.

A review published in the World Journal of Gastroenterology medical journal highlights that fiber intake was effective in increasing stool frequency in people with constipation.

4. Natural antiparasitic

Papaya seeds are not a first-line treatment for parasitic infections. Despite this, there are studies that suggest that they can be useful in dealing with some types of parasites.

In research published in the journal  BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine , children fed a porridge fortified with papaya seeds had a reduced amount of the well-known “large roundworm” or Ascaris lumbricoides.

5. Take care of kidney health

Although the evidence is still limited, there are studies that suggest that consumption of papaya can help protect kidney health. In an animal study published in the African Journal of Health Sciences , a papaya seed extract helped prevent kidney damage in rats given a drug to induce toxicity.

Papaya seed kidney health

6. They have anti-inflammatory activity

Due to its significant contribution of flavonoid substances, papaya seeds have a slight anti-inflammatory action that could contribute to the prevention of chronic diseases. However, more studies are required to evaluate how this effect occurs.

7. Helps against acne

There is no evidence on the use of papaya seeds as an acne treatment. However, in popular culture it has spread as a complementary remedy for this problem.

In this case, in addition to consuming the papaya seeds, it is recommended to make a kind of natural poultice. To do this, the following steps must be applied:

  • First, combine some papaya leaves with the seeds, and marinate with a little water in a mortar.
  • The paste obtained must be placed on the affected area for about ten minutes.
  • To finish, the area is washed with plenty of fresh water to remove the poultice.

Eat papaya seed moderately

Papaya seeds and their extracts contain nutrients that help promote health. In general, they can be consumed in their natural form, but without exceeding their intake because it can be counterproductive. Consume between 7 and 10 seeds and you will not have a problem.

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