8 Fruits That Help Fight Constipation

Some fruits, in addition to providing extraordinary benefits to our body, can help us fight constipation, a condition typical of these modern times

Fighting constipation has become a great challenge for many people. We live in difficult times for the digestive system. The popularization of junk food and constant stress do not help a good intestinal transit. Constipation not only causes discomfort, but also deteriorates the skin and mood.

If not treated properly, it can lead to more severe problems. There are hundreds of products on the market to combat constipation. However, it is best to treat it with products of natural origin. Fruits are ideal for that purpose.

Here are the most recommended fruits to combat constipation.

1. Plum

Plums are excellent for treating constipation, whether they are fresh or dried. Dried ones are recommended because they are more effective. The first treatment option is prunes, since they provide a large amount of fiber and contain a substance that facilitates bowel movement. In cases of inflammation of the digestive tract, cooked fresh plums are the best option.

2. Papaya

papaya for constipation

It contains an enzyme called “papain” that helps fight constipation and also helps with the digestion of proteins. It is a fruit that facilitates the absorption of nutrients, thus accelerating the expulsion of fecal matter. It is recommended to consume at least one generous serving of papaya each day.

3. Kiwi

Kiwi is a delicious fruit that contains a substance called actinidin, an enzyme that stimulates the receptors in the colon, facilitating intestinal transit, which relieves constipation. This fruit provides a large amount of fiber. It is recommended to consume up to three kiwis a day. The ideal is to consume them between main meals.

4. Pineapple

pineapple for constipation

It is another of the fruits that contains flattering enzymes. In this case, it is bromelain, a substance that also helps digest proteins. Pineapple helps the intestine work better and digestion is lighter. Two slices of pineapple a day are enough to fight constipation. It can also be consumed in juices.

It is a fruit with antioxidant properties, which is why it helps prevent aging. It contributes to the beautification of the skin, in addition to being an excellent diuretic.

5. Pear

This fruit is high in fiber, which makes it an excellent adjunct to treat constipation. In addition, it contains a substance called “pectin” that helps regulate bowel movements. Likewise, it serves as a purifier of the body, in addition to strengthening the immune system and helping to reduce hypertension. It is a fruit that is available almost all year round.

6. Avocado

Avocado to fight constipation

Avocado is high in good fat, which helps lower cholesterol levels. Also, it has a high fiber content that fights constipation.

It is a fruit with which you can accompany almost any meal. It goes very well with meats, salads, soups and multiple preparations. To combat constipation, a serving for breakfast is recommended.

7. Banana

A banana for breakfast is enough to noticeably improve digestion. In addition, it contains large amounts of fiber, vitamins, and potassium. In an average adult, a single banana supplies 10% of the daily fiber requirement. It is recommended to consume it when it is ripe, since the green banana makes digestion more difficult.

8. Melon


The melon contains a high dose of moisture. And it is that 90% of this fruit is constituted by water. Therefore, its extraordinary moisturizing properties. Not only does it help fight constipation, it is also a great diuretic. Due to its high potassium content, melon also helps to strengthen the muscular and nervous systems.

In conclusion

As you can see, many properties of some foods benefit the improvement of constipation, so pay attention to what you eat and your needs.

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