Control Hemorrhoids With Diet

Since constipation is one of the triggers of hemorrhoids we must try to add more fiber to our diet to promote evacuation and avoid efforts that may aggravate them

Also known as piles, hemorrhoidal disease, are an inflammation in the veins of the anus that cause a lot of discomfort, burning and pain.

A good way to control it is through diet. That’s right, since diet can improve or worsen the condition. In this article we will tell you more about it.

What to know about hemorrhoids

When a lot of effort is made to have a bowel movement, hemorrhoids are likely to appear.

Of course, this is not the only reason for their development, since they can also appear due to:

  • with pregnancy and childbirth
  • By aging
  • Due to the excessive use of laxatives.

Other causes are:

  • Obesity
  • Diarrhea
  • Portal hypertension
  • Genetics

The main symptom of piles is an uncomfortable pain around the anus and the appearance of shiny blood in the stool or on the toilet paper. The most common treatments include creams, sitz baths or in more serious cases surgery.

Once the hemorrhoids come out, what we can do is prevent the condition from worsening.

  • In addition to eating a balanced diet, it is essential not to spend too many hours sitting continuously.

Some people feel pain, for example, if they ride a bike or perform certain strength exercises.

Hemorrhoids and diet

Following a proper diet is essential if we want to reduce the usual symptoms of piles.

Through diet we can make the stool easier to evacuate. It is recommended to consume foods rich in fiber to improve excretion.

It is essential to drink 2 liters of water every day so that the fiber works properly and the stools are softer.

The foods that can not be missing if you suffer from hemorrhoids are:


They are a great source of fiber, but also other very important nutrients to prevent or prevent piles from getting worse.

Among those recommended to promote hydration and facilitate evacuation we find:

  • Oranges
  • Strawberries
  • Kiwis
  • Pears



Another one of the food groups full of fiber and water.

Among those recommended we find:

  • Tomatoes (raw)
  • Spinach
  • Pumpkin
  • Carrots
  • Artichokes

On the contrary, we should avoid cruciferous (broccoli, cabbages, etc.) and tubers (potatoes) as they form less soft stools.


They provide a large amount of fiber (more than fruits and vegetables) and should be consumed two to three times a week.

Among the best legumes that we can consume if we suffer from hemorrhoids we find:

  • Garbanzo beans
  • Kidney beans (or beans)
  • Lentils

Combine them with vegetables and enjoy them in different preparations.

Whole grains

They also have a lot of fiber and for this reason they allow to eliminate stool properly and without side effects for hemorrhoids.

Among all whole grains , oatmeal is recommended, because it provides soluble fiber. Better to eat it for breakfast with orange juice, yogurt, or skim milk.

Another way to add this nutrient is through bread and whole wheat flour.

  • All the dishes that we usually consume today are prepared with refined (white) flour.
  • Try to switch to the healthy version, which, in addition to being more satiating, is more nutritious and will prevent constipation.
  • Lastly,  don’t leave out wheat bran for your soups, smoothies, and juices.



Almonds, walnuts and cashews are more than interesting examples of foods rich in fiber that can help you in the case of suffering from piles or having problems with constipation.

It is preferable that the nuts are raw and do not contain salt. A handful a day is enough, as they have quite a few calories.


Above all, we recommend those made from flax, because they are a great source of Omega 3 fatty acids.

  • Flaxseed is easily digested and reduces constipation.
  • You can leave a tablespoon of flax in a glass of water overnight and drink it on an empty stomach in the morning.
  • You can also mix the seeds in your breakfast foods or throughout the day.

Types of cooking and prohibited foods for hemorrhoids

prohibited for hemorrhoids

In addition to following a balanced and healthy diet, if we have hemorrhoids it is very important to pay attention to the way we prepare our food.

  • The simplest methods are recommended, such as ironing or steaming instead of frying.

The foods that you should avoid to avoid pain, discomfort or bleeding are those that, due to their composition, increase constipation or do not allow a correct evacuation:

  • Cereals and refined sugars
  • Fat and spicy
  • Very salty foods
  • Coffee, alcohol and soft drinks
  • Preserves and cheeses
  • Seafood and fish

If you do not want to give up certain foods that make your hemorrhoids worse, you can, for example, cook them in a different way. Instead of eating fried potatoes or fish, prepare both in the oven with lots of seasonings and spices.

Finally, we advise you to pay close attention to the type of diet you are on. Your diet is probably the cause of the appearance of piles, as well as suffering the symptoms so often. Remember that always before the symptoms you should go to the specialist doctor.

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