How The Seasons Change Our Emotions

We can blame our mood swings on hot or cold, rain or sun… and we would be absolutely right! Of course, the seasons of the year are not the only ones responsible for modifying our emotions, but they intervene in the process. We will tell you more about it.

Seasonal changes and changes in our emotions

Weather conditions can have a great influence on the state of our emotions. At some times of the year, mental illnesses like depression get worse. Symptoms related to sleep, energy, or concentration are also experienced.

In fact, so much so that as sunlight diminishes during the short dark days of winter, many people struggle with seasonal affective disorder, or SAD. Those who suffer from this syndrome experience feelings of sadness and loss of energy, especially during the months of December, January and February, as indicated by researcher Sherri Melrose, from the University of Athabasca, in Canada.

This disorder appears to be more common in young adults and especially in women. However, the environment, personal experiences and even family history predispose us more or less to these changes. This syndrome has some symptoms of depression and is related to sun exposure or natural light.

In autumn and winter, when the dawn breaks later and last night earlier, there are many changes at the hormonal and neurotransmitter level.

  • People with this disorder experience mood swings, hopelessness, anxiety, irritability, decreased libido.
  • They also have vegetative symptoms such as weight gain and appetite, interpersonal rejection or hypersomnia (sleeping more than usual).

Theories related to APR

Most indicate that it is due to a brain response in relation to the decrease in light and the hormones responsible for the sleep and wake cycles:

  • Melatonin (it is present during the dark of night).
  • Serotonin (increases when we expose ourselves to light).

This may explain why sadness, bad mood and depression disappear in summer, we have more energy and we wake up before the alarm clock goes off.

On the contrary,  when the days are shorter (autumn and winter) the mood is low and negative thoughts and emotions are the order of the day.

On the other hand, depending on the time of year, our diet is different and that can also influence our mood and our emotions.

Although it is true that today we can consume any food without following a seasonal cycle due to globalization and cultivation or refrigeration methods, our body chooses certain foods according to the external temperature.

  • In summer we consume more fruits and vegetables, fresh and light foods and cold drinks.
  • In winter we prefer heavier, more caloric, hot and comforting menus.

Each season generates a change in our emotions

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When we go from one station to another we manifest many changes on a psychological and emotional level. For some it is just wearing other clothes or having new habits. However, for others it is synonymous with anguish, depression, vitality or even joy.

Spring and our emotions

This season where everything flourishes and is colorful is related to our childhood, the beginning of life. The air gradually cleanses the cold of winter.

Muscles manifest that energy that grows as in plants. To maintain a correct balance, it is recommended to eat light and include more raw vegetables (all those that we have not eaten in winter).

We can take advantage of this rebirth to install new habits in our life, both emotionally, physically and spiritually.



It is the representation of adolescence, at this time energies are activated and we are happier due to the influence of the sun. It is a time of growth, maturation, love and compassion for the environment. Blood flows faster.

It is convenient to reduce food intake and always eat fresh food to counteract the outside temperature.

It is also advisable to do less physical effort to avoid heat stroke, fainting or dizziness. It is the ideal time to be inspired, since the brain is more awake thanks to exposure to light.


It is maturity, the transitional stage between summer and winter. It is a season where the first colds, storms and winds begin.

It is important to avoid excesses and to be aware of the initial symptoms of sadness or depression. Melancholy and depression are more frequent due to the decrease in the hours of sunlight. To combat these emotional changes, do not neglect your diet, because it is common for viral diseases to appear. Exercise, relax, get massages, read, watch movies … Anything that helps to avoid anxiety is welcome.

Remember also that autumn is the time to purify, to let go of old attitudes and behaviors, to get away from toxic people and to free ourselves from the bad.



It represents old age and, at the beginning of this season, the cold makes us calmer, but at the same time more sad or discouraged. Low temperatures encourage greater binges because the body needs to store energy.

It is advisable to do more exercise and stretching and drink warm or hot liquids. Winter is related to fear, darkness and depression, but it is also the ideal time to look within, meditate, deal with our personal problems and put insecurities aside.

Take advantage of the short days to spend more time with the family or even follow the philosophy of the Nordics, who enjoy the cold and the days at home. In any case, if you think you are having depressive symptoms, do not hesitate to consult a psychologist or psychiatrist.

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