How To Regenerate The Intestinal Mucosa With Kuzu And Umeboshi

Discover the amazing combination of kuzu root and umeboshi plum to regenerate the intestinal mucosa and improve health.

This ancient remedy to regenerate the intestinal mucosa, made with kuzu and umeboshi, comes from ancient Asian medicine. It has been widely disseminated in recent years by advocates of natural medicine.

Below, discover the surprising combination of kuzu root and fermented plums to support intestinal health. We will also show you other properties with surprising healing potential. 

The importance of the intestinal mucosa

Despite eating a balanced diet, some people have nutritional deficits. One possible cause, sometimes silent and increasingly common, is poor absorption of nutrients.

There is a problem at the intestinal level   that prevents the correct assimilation of food. The most common cause is damage to the mucosa that lines the walls.

This problem can cause serious long-term health problems.  Both due to a lack of essential substances, such as vitamins, and because of the relationship between the intestinal mucosa and the immune system.

Our body needs to have a healthy intestinal bacterial flora to maintain powerful defenses against any pathogen. This flora is in charge of preventing pathogenic microorganisms from invading and infecting our body. To be effective, the intestinal mucosa must be intact.

What factors damage it?

Damaging factors for the intestinal mucosa

  • Unbalanced diet:  For example, a diet rich in flours, refined sugars, saturated fats, chemical additives …
  • Food intolerances:  For example, lactose, or gluten. By eating foods that our body does not assimilate, we experience digestive discomfort on a regular basis and progressively damage the intestinal mucosa. The damage can become irreversible.
  • Some medications: Such as antibiotics or gastric protectors.
  • Intestinal parasites: They cause many digestive disorders and alter the intestinal bacterial flora. They are also difficult to detect and eliminate.

What is kuzu?

Kuzu or kudzu (Pueraria lobata) is one of the 50 most important remedies in traditional Chinese medicine. The root of this plant is used for multiple therapeutic purposes, as it is rich in essential oils and flavonoids.

It is important to differentiate the true kuzu, which is made through an artisanal process and has a very white color, from arrowroot, a starch with which it is often confused.

Arrowroot is only used as a culinary thickener and has no medicinal properties. We must always consult the label and look for the Latin denomination to make sure what ingredient it really is.

Potential properties of kuzu

  • Lower the fever.
  • Raise your defenses.
  • Cardiovascular protector.
  • Reduce high blood pressure.
  • It has anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Regulate blood sugar levels.
  • Improve liver function and eliminate toxins from the body.
  • Regulate intestinal function and rebuild bacterial flora.

All of these effects are potential properties of this product. We cannot claim that it is effective and of course it is not a substitute for conventional medical treatment.

What is umeboshi?

What is umeboshi

Umeboshi is a variety of Japanese plum that is dried, salted, and left to ferment for a long time. It stands out for its reddish color and because it has a powerful acid and salty flavor. It is a very common ingredient in Asian cuisine and is a famous natural remedy.

It is said that this plum adds healing virtues as the fermentation process progresses, which lasts between 1 and 3 years, approximately.

As with kuzu,  umeboshi can vary in quality depending on its presentation. Some pasteurized forms, with less medicinal properties, or with added artificial colors are examples of this.

Potential properties of umeboshi

  • Prevent intestinal infections and regenerate the bacterial flora.
  • Fight tiredness and fatigue.
  • Promote the elimination of toxins.
  • Reduce cholesterol levels.
  • It has antioxidant properties.
  • Fight bad breath.
  • Improve digestion

As mentioned in the previous ingredient, the properties are potential, they are not based on evidence or scientific studies and therefore should never replace a medical treatment.

Remedy with kuzu and umeboshi

Remedy with kuzu and umeboshi

The combination of kuzu and umeboshi results in a remedy   to protect and regenerate the intestinal mucosa. In addition, we can prepare it at home in a very simple and fast way.


  • One teaspoon of kuzu (8 g).
  • A glass of cold water (200 ml).
  • A natural, unpasteurized, pitted umeboshi plum.


  • First, mix the kuzu well with the cold water. Use a wooden spoon and avoid metal and plastic utensils.
  • Pour the liquid (white in color) into a saucepan over low heat while stirring.
  • Leave the casserole on the heat until, after a few minutes, the liquid becomes clear and thick.
  • Turn off the heat and let it cool for a few minutes.
  • Add the plum along with the bone, mash it and mix well.

How do we take it?

  • This remedy should be taken on an empty stomach. Preferably half an hour before breakfast, for 3 days.
  • We can repeat the shot once a month. Also when we have an intestinal disorder.

    If the intestinal discomfort you suffer is very painful or gives other symptoms such as blood in the stool, uncontrollable vomiting, excessive burning, etc. In short, elements that suggest seriousness, you should go directly to a doctor.

    In milder cases you should also follow its instructions and in some cases you can help yourself with this recipe to improve the health of the intestinal mucosa.

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