How To Use Aloe Vera And Calendula Gel To Treat Burns

Sunbathing for a long time can give rise to skin burns, even more so if we do it without proper protection. Such burns have different levels of severity.

One of the first symptoms of this injury is redness of the skin, which may be accompanied by a burning and dry sensation.

The skin often has the ability to spontaneously regenerate and repair damage caused by ultraviolet rays.

However, sometimes it is appropriate to apply a natural remedy that provides hydration and nutrients to the affected area, to accelerate this process and avoid marks or scars.

It is important to remember that no natural remedy should be used without consulting your doctor first, as it could cause adverse effects.

An alternative to consider

While there are many products on the market to relieve burns, there are also natural alternatives that work well.

This time we want to share a remedy that combines the incredible properties of aloe vera gel with calendula. The properties of aloe vera to heal burns are corroborated in an academic document from the University of Jaén. For its part, the curative virtues of calendula, for similar cases, are certified in a scientific article on pharmaceutical chemistry.

However, no scientific studies were found to support the efficacy or safety of a remedy made by combining both plants.

Aloe vera

the burns

The aloe vera plant is famous almost all over the world. The gel it contains has been valued since ancient times, for its multiple medicinal applications.

In the cosmetic industry it became the active compound in many skin care treatments. This, thanks to the fact that it has been proven to have a moisturizing and healing action , as stated, among others, in an article published in the International Journal of maternal-fetal health. Therefore, it helps to repair the damage caused by the sun and by pollutants in the environment.

Its use in its natural state is still preferred by many people, since it is believed that in this way its properties of relief on the skin and acceleration in the recovery of burns are taken advantage of. However, there are no scientific studies to support such use. This remedy should not be used without medical supervision, as it could eventually lead to infections in some types of burns.

Aloe vera and calendula gel to relieve burns

In this natural remedy, the nutrients in aloe vera are combined with those provided by calendula. This flower has antiseptic properties, as confirmed by an academic document from the Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes. This plant has been used for many years to alleviate various skin conditions, including injuries caused by UV rays.

The combination of these two ingredients is believed to result in an effective compound to reduce the negative impact of the sun on the skin. Its nutritional qualities and properties are also said to make it a good remedy for other skin conditions such as:

  • Irritations.
  • Rashes
  • Inflammation.
  • Wounds
  • Diaper rash

No studies were found to support the efficacy or safety of a remedy that combines aloe vera and calendula, for any of these conditions.

How to prepare this natural remedy?

How to prepare

Popular belief indicates that to enhance the effects of these two healing and restorative ingredients, nothing is better than mixing them in a single therapy.

This remedy is very easy to prepare and those who use it assure that the results can be noticed in a matter of days.


  • 2 aloe vera leaves.
  • 4 fresh marigold flowers.
  • 16 drops of lavender essential oil.


  • To begin, you must extract the gel from the inside of the aloe vera leaves.
  • Then, put it in a blender, along with the calendula leaves and process until both elements are well integrated.
  • Then, pour the liquid into ice buckets and add a drop of essential oil to each of the buckets.
  • Take everything to the freezer and leave it overnight, or until it has solidified.

Application mode

  • Take one of the aloe and calendula cubes and rub it on the affected area, with a gentle massage.
  • This treatment should be done at least twice a day every day to speed up the recovery of the skin.
  • The cubes can be kept up to 6 months in the freezer, although it is ideal to use them immediately.

    Are there more benefits?

    There are-more-benefits

    In addition to the qualities and uses that have already been mentioned, there are other important benefits of these plants , which are worth taking into account. Some of them are the following:

    • It acts as a natural moisturizer. A technical-scientific document from the Alexander Von Humbolt Institute and others highlights the hydrating properties of aloe vera. On the other hand, a study from the Federal University of Santa María points out the moisturizing efficacy of calendula.
    • It stimulates collagen production. Research from the Central Leather Research Institute mentions this property in aloe vera. Likewise, research from the National University of Colombia indicates that calendula has similar properties. In theory, this compound would prevent the early appearance of wrinkles and other signs of aging, but no evidence was found of the effect of the combination of both elements.
    • It concentrates a significant amount of antioxidants. They contain molecules that help stop the action of free radicals that cause oxidative damage. A study from the Universidad Peruana de Los Andes talks about the antioxidants present in aloe vera. Similarly, an academic document from the Autonomous University of the South endorses the antioxidant properties of calendula.
    • They say that it helps improve blood circulation to oxygenate the skin, but no scientific studies were found to support this specific property in these plants.
    • It can be used as a natural tonic since its properties help to firm the skin and also have a positive effect on the balance of the sebaceous glands. Research from the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria corroborates these properties of aloe vera. No studies were found on this point, related to calendula.
    • It fights different forms of acne thanks to its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, which help reduce pimples. A review of the state of the art, carried out by the research group Swarm, reviews several studies in which properties of this type are attributed to calendula. An article published in the Cuban Journal of Nursing confirms that aloe vera is effective against acne.

      Do not forget…

      Remember that it is always advisable to consult a doctor, especially in cases of severe burns. Likewise, if an adverse reaction occurs when applying any of these products, its use should be discontinued immediately.

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