Is It Possible To Reduce Scars?

A scar is a mark on the skin that remains after suffering a burn, abrasion or cut, among other dermatological problems. Many people have some anywhere on the body, and seek remedies to reduce scars.

These marks tell us that the skin was repaired and the body healed properly. Its function is to emerge as new tissue when the skin is injured, and act as a patch that covers it.

However, many of these brands are not aesthetically pleasing. They create complexes, even more so when the scar is in more noticeable places on the body. Fortunately, there are multiple investigations that support the remedies and techniques with which we can treat them, depending on the type of brand that it is.

What you should know about scars

Scars can be anywhere on the body. They can vary depending on the age of the person, the depth of the wound, the time it took to heal, and the type of skin. The latter will determine how the body will heal.

There are different types of scars:

  • Keloids : they are the result of a high production of collagen. Its appearance is reddish and thick.
  • Atrophic : these are marks that are produced by a deficient level of collagen. They are round like chicken pox.
  • Hypertrophic : they are like keloids, but they are characterized by being smaller and bulky.
  • Contractured : they present the union of the edges of the skin, leaving it with a taut appearance.
How are scars generated?

Treatments to reduce scars

There are different treatments to erase or reduce scars on the body. Many of these treatments can range from the application of home remedies, to visiting a beautician or going under the knife.

The most common treatments are creams, pastes, or gels. These over-the-counter products can be recommended by dermatologists, cosmetic doctors or plastic surgeons, after evaluating the brand.

In the event that the scar has been generated by a deep wound, there is the option of a surgery that will consist of skin grafts. This will almost make the mark disappear.

On the other hand, there are treatments such as peeling (application of different substances on the skin in order to exfoliate the outer layers), even skin exfoliation and dermabrasion.

Injections are also a good option, especially for keloid or hypertrophic scars. These brands are injected with collagen or steroids to help repair the skin.

Home remedies that may help

Home remedies are never lacking when it comes to reducing skin scars. Among these remedies, the use of honey with sugar stands out, although aloe vera and rosehip oil, among others , are also known.

Thanks to its high content of antioxidant compounds, vitamin E, water and other elements, the topical application of honey with sugar favors the reduction of these marks on the skin. There are interesting studies in this regard, but even so, there is still much to investigate.

In fact, it is not known whether it could cause allergic reactions in certain skin types , nor has it been compared with similar natural substances. Consult with your GP or dermatologist before applying it.

Extra olive oil

Other recommendations

It is important to go to the doctor to check the scars. In this way, we can be well informed about the type of skin we have and the best products, treatments or techniques to reduce scars or even erase them.

There are several options, as we already mentioned, to treat scars depending on the type. It is never too late to mention that the skin is the largest organ in the body. Therefore, great care must be taken when applying any product or treatment.

Health is what counts!

Remember that many scars fade over time until they are difficult to see. If you have a scar that you don’t like, don’t be discouraged! There are many treatment options that could help you. And if they are noticed, it does not matter either, many scars can become your personal stamp.

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