Medicinal Plants To Regulate Menstruation

Do you have an irregular period? Discover these medicinal plants that can help you regulate your cycle.

Is your period very irregular? Irregular periods are not usually a serious problem or an irreversible condition. However, if you want to regulate menstruation, the medicinal plants that we present today can help you!

Many women have periods early or late each month and this leads them to feel distressed or stressed.

In this article we will tell you which are the best medicinal plants to regulate menstruation.

Causes of irregular periods

Irregular menstruation and fertility

In the female body, a process related to two systems happens every month : endocrine and nervous. Some women have very exact menstrual periods every 28 days, but others do not know for sure when the bleeding will appear or stop.

Those irregular periods that are not fixed (they can be present every 15, 35 or 50 days) are the main consultation in the gynecologist.

During the visit, the doctor performs a series of studies to determine the reason (s) that cause these inaccurate periods.

Possible causes include:

  • Use of oral contraceptives (pills) and / or abuse of the postcoital or “morning after” pill
  • Consumption of antihypertensives or antiulcer remedies
  • Intake of antipsychotic medications
  • Hormonal changes and sudden weight changes
  • Stress, anxiety, or nervousness
  • Thyroid problems
  • Gynecological surgeries or interventions
  • Changes in routine (especially at rest)
  • Lack of exercise
  • Eating deficiencies or eating disorders

Herbs to regulate menstruation

If your period is not exact and you have thought more than once that you were pregnant or had a health problem, discover these medicinal plants:

1. Rosemary

It cannot be missing in our kitchen, due to its culinary properties as well as in a natural herbalist. Supports blood pressure and blood supply.

It also helps regulate menstruation in women. A cup of rosemary tea a day is the minimum recommended dose.

You can consume up to three infusions daily until the period appears.

2. Sage


Among its components we cannot ignore its essential oils that regulate hormonal activity (in this case estrogens). Also, sage tea reduces anxiety.

3. Chamomile

The chamomile flower is used, for example, to reduce fever, improve allergies, psoriasis and arthritis and to relieve vomiting, nausea and dizziness.

It can be used to regulate your menstrual period due to its great medicinal properties. Drink a maximum of three cups a day.

4. Ginger

Ginger to regulate the period

Ginger root infusion has the ability to increase body temperature and stimulate menstrual processes. You can get it and consume it fresh, dried or ground.

Do not forget that it is a very concentrated and strong spice: with very little, it is enough.

Don’t drink ginger tea at night, as it can cause insomnia or nightmares.

5. Parsley

Consume this tea only if you are 100% sure that you are not pregnant because it has abortifacient properties and can be dangerous to your health.

Parsley helps advance your period if consumed every day (3 to 4 cups).

It is a plant full of vitamins (especially C) and minerals that will help you at the time of menstruation so as not to feel low in energy.

6. Verbena

Verbena has the ability to regulate the pituitary gland (where hormones are produced). For this reason, it is recommended to drink a tea of ​​this plant in cases of irregular periods due to thyroid problems or the consumption of certain pills.

It is also good for inducing relaxation and eliminating stress that may be causing your menstrual delay.

7. Artemis

Since ancient times, this plant has been used to regulate menstruation and also to relieve period pain.

It can be drunk to advance bleeding and during those days to feel more energetic and less discomfortable.

8. Feverfew

It is a plant that grows wild in gardens and streets. It is used as a tea to regulate menstruation. It is not recommended to drink more than 4 cups a day.

9. Ruda

Rue tea to regulate menstruation

This plant with a pungent taste and smell can help you to start menstruation earlier. To reduce the bitterness of the rue, we recommend that you add honey.

Once you have your period, you can drink this tea if your ovaries and uterus hurt.

10. Thyme

For it to take effect you must combine it with saffron, in equal parts. It has the same effects as the infusion of rue or ginger. You can try any of the three options and analyze which one is more effective in your body.

11. Angelica Root

It acts as an emmenagogue and activates blood flow in the uterus. It is an excellent remedy to help reduce menstruation. To take advantage of its benefits, consume angelica root tea up to 3 times a day (after the main meals).

Tips for irregular periods

If this condition happens many times a year or every month since you started menstruating, we recommend that you go to the doctor to get checked and diagnosed.

In addition, you can change some habits that may be affecting your period :

  • Eat a diet that includes lots of plant-based foods.
  • Avoid red meat (but eat it when you are menstruating, to regain iron).
  • Choose flax and sesame seeds because they give you iron.
  • Consume brown rice, brewer’s yeast, and seaweed, for their vitamin B content.
  • Don’t drink coffee, alcohol, or sugary sodas.
  • Pay attention if you have zinc, iron or vitamin B6 deficiency, because it may be modifying your menstruation.
  • Avoid excessive stress and anything that makes you nervous or anxious.

As we always tell you: remember that these recommendations do not replace a visit to your doctor. Go to the gynecologist and consult his opinion regarding the intake of the aforementioned teas.

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