My Child Has Swallowed An Object: What To Do In This Situation

Has your child ever swallowed an object and you didn’t know what to do? Whether you have already gone through the experience or not, it is convenient that you begin to learn about first aid techniques and how to perform them correctly.

In a choking case, every second counts and it is essential to act quickly and safely in what is being done, while the medical service arrives on the scene.

Let’s dive deeper into this topic.

Why must you learn to solve this situation?

According to data from the Spanish Association of Pediatrics, 4 out of 10 accidental deaths in children under one year of age are due to drowning caused by a foreign body. Likewise, choking on objects is more common in boys under the age of 5.

However, the problem is mainly accentuated in two-year-olds. Obviously, nobody wants to go through this adverse situation. However, we must be prepared to face this possibility successfully.

Risk situations

According to statistics, it has been reported that, between 60 and 80% of cases, the objects that cause obstruction are food or small items, such as nuts, peanuts, food scraps, marbles, and others.

29% of deaths are due to balloons, as these adhere to the airways causing their obstruction

Severity of the problem

The reactions that the body undergoes from an object choking depend on several factors, such as the location, the level of airway obstruction and the nature of the object.

However, if the case is not treated promptly, it can cause respiratory failure, as well as atelectasis or bronchiectasis, among other possibilities.

What can I do if my child has swallowed an object

Keep calm

In these cases, staying calm can be a challenge. However, it is vital to do so. If you get too excited, you will not be able to help the child properly.

You must pay attention to their breathing since depending on the state of this, it is decided whether to call the emergency room or perform rescue maneuvers.

Cough is a good sign

According to experts, coughing is the best remedy to solve this condition. If your child has swallowed an object, you should encourage him to continue coughing until the situation is resolved.

For this it is important to observe several signs:

  • That the child achieves the exchange of air in an adequate way.
  • Watch if the object is ejected or not. In this phase you should avoid extracting the object, since it could complicate the child’s condition and the situation.

This procedure should only be carried out in case the object is clearly visible. If this is the case, a finger is inserted through the side of the child’s mouth, it is accommodated as a hook and it moves forward, making a sweep.

On the other hand, if you notice that the little one is exhausted and his cough is no longer effective, you should evaluate his level of consciousness to proceed with other rescue maneuvers.

Unblocking maneuvers in babies

Resuscitate a baby.

Before taking these resources, you should have called the emergency room. By this time, coughing and breathing in the little one are no longer enough.

Before carrying out the maneuvers, the seriousness of the situation, the age and the condition of the child must be assessed.

In the case of an infant, the following procedure must be carried out, which should last less than 10 seconds.

  1. To start, the baby is placed on his stomach.
  2. Hold your cheeks with one hand and hold your mouth open with your index finger and thumb.
  3. With the heel of the other hand, give 5 quick blows with moderate force to the back.
  4. The child is then  placed on his back and 5 chest compressions are applied with the index and middle fingers. Due to the fragility of the baby, normal abdominal compressions should not be performed, to avoid the rupture of internal organs.

At the end of the procedure, it is vital to check if he is conscious, his breathing, if he has a cough or if you can observe the object in his mouth to remove it with the extraction maneuver.

Unblocking maneuvers in children

If your child has swallowed an object, but the cough is insufficient, as in the previous case, the following procedure should be followed.

  1. 5 moderately strong quick blows should be delivered to the back.
  2. Later, due to his condition, it is possible to perform abdominal compressions (Heimlich maneuver).
  3. To do this, the rescuer should stand behind the child.
  4. Then, put your arms under your armpits and place a fist with the thumb flexed inward in the area between the ribs (epigastrium), above the navel.
  5. Subsequently, the other hand will be placed on the fist to apply pressure and force the object to change position inside the child.
  6. In this phase, you must observe if the little one coughs, breathes and if it is possible to remove the object from his mouth.
  7. Otherwise, it is necessary to repeat the maneuver while you wait for the ambulance to arrive.

The best measure is prevention

Addressing dangerous situations requires preparation and calm. Although it is important to know the rescue procedures if your child has swallowed an object, it is preferable to prevent such accidents.

For this, children should be prevented from doing any activity with objects in their mouth; or they play with small or removable objects or toys.

As for the food, it is suggested that they be appropriate according to the age of the child. For example, nuts should be avoided until 4 or 5 years old.

It is also recommended that young children be taught to chew slowly and appropriately at mealtime, which includes laughing or talking at the same time.

Remember, if your child has swallowed an object, stay calm, induce a cough, and call the ER immediately.

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