Natural Energizers: Are They Effective?

Is it possible to use natural foods that work as energizers? Work, family, social and even sports demands exhaust us, so we can resort to substances that increase our energy. Get to know some of them in this article.

Natural energizers are the most suitable for our health. In this article we explain why. Some foods and beverages of this type are in continuous demand, as many people are interested in consuming them. They are products like guarana, being used in the energy industry because they are rich in minerals and electrolytes.

These products help us recover from physical and mental fatigue.  These sensations may be due to a long working day or sports. As a consequence, it is the professionals who most consume this type of drink, providing an energy boost to the body.

But around the commercially distributed drinks throughout the world a problem has arisen. Its high caffeine and taurine content is not healthy for the body.  We know that the high percentages of these products can trigger heart problems, such as cardiac arrest and heart attacks.

Natural products rich in energizing minerals

For years there has been a debate about energy alternatives that do not have side effects on the body. There are natural products that can replace these highly sweetened beverages,  both in the form of solid food and liquid.

We are talking about species easily found in the natural state, medicinal plants such as ginseng and oats provide energizing effects. In addition, they can be easily purchased in many establishments.

Bee pollen

It sounds strange, however it is a product capable of naturally stimulating the body.  In addition, honey itself does the job of regulating the functions of the digestive system. However, we must be careful and not overindulge in its consumption.

Pollen contains carbohydrates, minerals, proteins and vitamins that provide energy to the body. When our body absorbs pollen from bees, the production of red blood cells is stimulated, a characteristic that has been used as an effective method against anemia.

Orange and lemon


These foods are rich in vitamins and carbohydrates. They can be consumed in juice, accompanied by a little salt, or sugar can be added to the mixture in order to enhance the flavor of the juice.


Yeast is believed to possess qualities almost unknown to mankind, such as the ability to prevent and partially cure physical fatigue. However, there are still no scientific studies to support this information.

What is certain is that it is an element rich in proteins and amino acids that, according to some research, could play an important role in the treatment of patients with some immunosuppressive diseases.



This plant is widely and generally used around the world for the purpose of regulating stress. In addition, it contains healing properties that can help with conditions such as anemia.

Its energizing power is considerably high, for this reason the consumption of this plant is not recommended in people with hypertension, anxiety or allergies. During treatment, the patient should restrict the consumption of beverages containing caffeine. Otherwise, it can counteract the healing effect of ginseng.


We usually feel fatigued during physical activity and even at work. In fact, the lack of hydration causes fatigue, so the solution to a picture of exhaustion can be improved by drinking water.

Dark chocolate

We all know the stimulating power that chocolate possesses. Consuming it gives a boost of energy and motivation  that appears suddenly. This is because it not only works on cell restoration, but also on neurotransmitters. It causes them to release serotonin and gamma aminobutyric acid.

Chocolate provides minerals such as phosphorus, iron, magnesium, and potassium. Vitamins A, E, B1 and B2 are also present in it, providing a high protein value that interacts directly at the muscular level.

Lean meats

These meats correspond to the part of the animal with the lowest fat content. In them we can consume high doses of protein, providing tyrosine, responsible for increasing the concentration of those who consume it.

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