Nutritional Properties Of Mango

Mango is a tropical fruit native to South Asia, already cultivated throughout the world.  It can be easily found in the market, so we can enjoy its taste and benefit from its properties.

What are the nutritional values ​​of mango?

Every cup of this delicious fruit contributes around 170 calories. Contains 24 grams of sugar and 3 grams of fiber. The amount of sugar it contains would allow us to obtain energy during the day, but precisely because of this contribution, its consumption should be moderate, especially for those with type 2 diabetes.

Mango vitamins and minerals


On the other hand, the mango is rich in vitamin C, in addition to providing minerals such as calcium, copper, magnesium and potassium.

A WebMD article points out that its vitamin A content would help improve our vision. Potassium, on the other hand, would help protect the heart (different studies have proven a 24% decrease in the risk of heart attack thanks to the intake of potassium) and maintain normal blood pressure levels while copper would help in the production of red cells.

On the other hand, investigations such as the one published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry , have highlighted that the polyphenols contained in this fruit would have an anticancer effect. 

In animal studies, the fruit reduced inflammation and provided a protective effect against free radicals. In addition, it was shown to be beneficial in stopping the growth of malignant cells. However, more evidence is needed to corroborate this.

Mango can be eaten alone or with other fruits. You can include it in fruit salads, in hot or cold desserts, in sauces, smoothies or juice …

Do not forget that all fruits are important for health. Each of them provides benefits for the care and protection of the body in general. For this reason, they cannot be missing from our daily diet: we must consume at least two pieces of fruit a day .

If you are a person with type 2 diabetes you should be careful when choosing the appropriate fruits. Some fruits – like mango or banana – contain a lot of sugars. Your doctor will provide you with a list of the fruits you can eat, which ones to eliminate from your diet or reduce their consumption.

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