Research On Fibromyalgia

Recognized as a chronic disease by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 1992, it is characterized by causing generalized musculoskeletal pain ; as well as deep exhaustion. But what is known about the recent research on fibromyalgia?

Today, science continues to advance to improve the quality of life of patients who suffer from it. Next, we inform you of the latest news in this regard.

Fibromyalgia, a common condition

Fibromyalgia mainly affects the soft tissues: muscles, ligaments and tendons (parts with fiber). Also, the pain associated with this disease consists of a generalized burning throughout the body.

It should also be noted that the discomfort varies depending on the day; getting to intensify in the neck, shoulders and feet. In addition, it is often associated with other health problems such as fatigue, anxiety, depression, poor quality of sleep, muscle cramps, headaches (severe headaches), etc.

Symptoms and diagnosis

Although its symptoms seem clear, to this day the exact causes that produce it are still unknown. Furthermore, it has been questioned that it was a real disease; since the symptoms are similar to those presented by other disorders.

When diagnosing fibromyalgia, a patient must have a series of alterations that are consistent with those established by experts. Ultimately, the origin and development of this condition are still not well understood.

However, it is suggested that people suffering from this disease have a state of amplification of pain with several factors involved in its development.

Fibromyalgia Research

Today, experts are focused on different aspects of fibromyalgia. On the one hand, there are studies that look for the origin and causes of this disease. On the other, there are investigations that investigate the psychological aspects of it.

Studies on pain in fibromyalgia

Research on fibromyalgia.

Because pain is still unknown, fibromyalgia treatments are often based on trial and error. But unfortunately, patients may not feel supported with this method.

However, several studies focused on finding the origin of this chronic pain are helping  to develop an effective treatment.

As an article developed by several experts from the American College of Rheumatology collects, certain research indicates that the cause of fibromyalgia could be related to the central nervous system.

In other words, the central nervous system “remembers” the pain for a time. These data seem to show that the disease is related to the sensation of amplification of pain in the spine and brain.

The conclusions represent an advance in finding a treatment ; as they offer a guide for experts. In this way, the objective is to seek a treatment based on the abnormal mechanisms of pain.

Studies on the pathogenesis of the disease

Other lines of research investigate the origin and causes of fibromyalgia. In 2008, the Rheumatology and Pneumology Services of the Hospital del Mar, together with the Municipal Institute of Medical Research of Barcelona (IMIM), carried out an investigation focused on the pathogenesis of this disease.

Thanks to this study, it was discovered that fibromyalgia patients have injuries at the muscle level. These results represent progress; since they offer the possibility of opening new therapeutic paths in the search for a cure.

Additionally, in connection with this research, studies have also been conducted on the effects of certain muscle training programs in women with fibromyalgia. The results suggest that such a training program helps:

  • Modulate pain.
  • Optimize functional performance.
  • Increase muscle strength and level of physical activity.

Research on fibromyalgia and its psychological impact

Other lines focus on the psychological impact of fibromyalgia on patients; as well as in its possible treatments. The objective is to design a protocol of psychological assistance appropriate to the needs of each one.

Psychological treatments

As detailed in the following article published in 2010 by the Journal of the International Association for the Study of Pain , the results show a notable improvement in patients.

In this way, research seems to indicate that psychological treatment is key when it comes to improving the mental health of affected individuals.

The importance of encouraging research on fibromyalgia

As you have seen, there is still a long way to go to offer resounding conclusions regarding this condition. However, the truth is that current research lines offer encouraging results.

It is vital to support the development of science so that it continues to bear fruit in the treatment of fibromyalgia. Therefore, we will continue to inform you regarding the latest advances. Do not miss them!

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