Smoothies To Beautify Your Complexion

Surely you have ever wondered: how can I beautify my complexion? Well, look no further. Today we bring you a simple and healthy way to do it: smoothies.

These drinks have become fashionable in recent years and are popular with everyone. They are creamy smoothies with a very smooth texture and delicious flavor.

We can take the opportunity to prepare them at home and add beneficial ingredients. Therefore, make them part of your daily diet and you will notice the effects on your health.

In this article we explain which smoothies are the most suitable to beautify your skin, with ingredients that hydrate and nourish it from the inside. Discover them!

The best smoothies to beautify your complexion

We will try these delicious and healthy recipes and we will even combine their ingredients to alternate them. In addition, the preparation is very simple: we must mix the ingredients well with a mixer or food processor until the drink acquires a very creamy texture.

We can have the smoothies at any time of the day. As they are very satiating, they  will prevent us from eating other less healthy things.

Apple, avocado and Andean maca

The apple is a fruit with multiple properties and we should eat one a day to maintain health. In addition, its skin is rich in fiber, a nutrient that is very beneficial for our health in general and also for our skin.

In fact, according to a study published in the journal Nutrients , it improves the action of the intestinal microbiota, associated with some skin diseases, such as dermatitis. In this way, fiber can indirectly be very positive for the health of our skin.

For its part, the avocado, in addition to giving the smoothie a creamy texture, will also provide us with essential fatty acids, vitamins and proteins. All these nutrients, combined with healthy habits, are essential to have a nourished and firm skin, as shown by various research. It also has a delicious flavor that can be combined with both sweet and savory foods.

Finally, maca will provide us with numerous vitamins and minerals. In addition, some in vitro studies show that it could have a certain photoprotective effect against the sun’s rays. In this way, this plant can help us take care of our skin.

Ingredients for two people:

  • 2 apples (with skin)
  • ½ avocado
  • 1 level teaspoon of maca powder (3 g)
  • ½ glass of water, apple juice or vegetable drink (100 ml)
  • 1 teaspoon of honey (10 g)

Smoothie for a better complexion

Papaya and coconut

This tropical smoothie tastes great and is super healthy. Not only for our skin, but also to maintain a balanced weight and combat digestive problems.

Papaya is a fruit with anti-inflammatory and digestive properties. According to some studies, this is due to the fact that the water in this fruit facilitates the digestion of carbohydrates.

In addition, some research suggests that one of its components, papain, could promote healing and regeneration of the skin . In this way, this fruit could help us improve the elasticity and appearance of our skin.

For its part, both coconut and its oil are very nutritious. In fact, in addition to including it in our drink, we can also apply its oil on the skin to keep it hydrated and healthy.

Ingredients for two people:

  • ½ ripe papaya
  • 1 glass of milk or coconut water (200 ml)
  • 2 tablespoons of coconut oil (30 ml)
  • A little agave syrup if we want to sweeten the drink

orange smoothy madlyinlovewithlife

Pear, oatmeal and brewer’s yeast

This smoothie will not only help us take care of our skin, but also our intestinal health and it contains pear and oats, two important sources of fiber.

As we have seen, this nutrient is very beneficial for our skin, as it can help us look healthy. In fact, recent studies show that there could be a relationship between certain bacteria in our gut and our skin. Therefore, if we want to take care of our skin, we must not only take care of ourselves on the outside, but also on the inside.

For its part , brewer’s yeast is rich in nutrients and minerals that can be very beneficial for our health. And is that some research shows that thanks to its content in beta-glucans promote digestive health and could even be beneficial for our immune system. However, more studies are still needed to determine exactly how they work.

In any case, these three products combined are not only delicious, but they also help us take care of our health and at the same time our skin. Everything is benefits!

Ingredients for two people:

  • 2 ripe pears
  • 2 tablespoons of oatmeal soaked in hot water for 10 minutes (20 g)
  • 1 level tablespoon of brewer’s yeast (15 mg)
  • A touch of powdered ginger
  • ½ glass of water, juice or vegetable drink (100 ml)

How to beautify the complexion?

The best way to take care of our skin is to do it both inside and out. And, as you have seen, our inner health is closely related to our outer health.

Therefore, if you want to take care of your skin and beautify your complexion, in addition to your beauty routines, do not hesitate to incorporate certain changes to your routine. First of all, we recommend that you drink plenty of water and hydrate properly.

On the other hand, we advise you to follow a balanced diet in which no essential nutrient is lacking. Do not hesitate to incorporate the smoothies that we have presented in this space. These, in addition to being delicious, are rich in vitamins and minerals, and very healthy. What are you waiting for? Go ahead and try them and feel their benefits.

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