Symptoms That You Are Not Consuming Enough Vegetables Very Important!

We need to consume enough vegetables each day to meet our nutritional needs. It is essential for our well-being and for that inner health that is noticeable on the outside.

Most of us do not reach that minimum of 5 pieces of fruit and vegetables a day that nutritionists often recommend. Furthermore, according to a study carried out at the University College of London (United Kingdom), to prevent heart disease we should consume 7 servings of vegetables and fruits a day.

Now, we know that this is not always easy to accomplish. We do not usually have time to prepare a delicious salad with which to cover part of that minimum. However, in the long term it can have serious consequences. We invite you to take note.

How to know if we are not consuming enough vegetables?

We make it clear that to maintain a healthy diet it is necessary that it also be as varied as possible. By this we mean that although in this article we emphasize vegetables, the rest of the foods are important.

It is necessary to maintain a sufficient supply of carbohydrates and proteins. In case of being vegans or vegetarians, we must choose foods well so as not to suffer any deficiencies.

However, at present the main problem of the population is just the opposite. Not consuming enough vegetables, especially at an early age. Let’s see what clues the body gives us when this happens.

Your defenses will notice

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Having low defenses is the most obvious symptom of the mistake of not consuming enough vegetables. It occurs because the immune system stops receiving the necessary nutrients to cope with multiple diseases.

  • We must bear in mind that it is not enough to take “that morning juice” to have a dose of vitamin C.
  • If we get used to drinking supermarket juices and we stop consuming fresh fruit and vegetables, little by little, we will feel the effects.
  • Vegetables such as carrots, tomatoes or artichokes are rich in antioxidants and very necessary to take care of the health of cells and tissues.
  • In addition, vegetables are also rich in those micronutrients such as zinc, magnesium or selenium, essential for the health of the immune system.
  • Another aspect that we must take into account is that a vitamin C deficiency causes coagulation problems and anemia.

The deficit in the intake of fruits and vitamins is related to a poorer functioning of the immune system and the appearance of diseases, according to a study published in the journal “Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition.”

The heart suffers and becomes ill


Let’s say we’ve been eating out for a while. We turn to fast food and those snacks between meals that relieve hunger and craving.

  • When we go through medical check-ups, we suddenly discover that we have hypertension and high cholesterol.
  • It is a very common fact among the population, where a deficit of those nutrients that vegetables provide us is clearly reflected.
  • The low consumption of vegetables results in a decrease in potassium, essential to take care of the heart.

In addition, vegetables provide us with fiber. This is not only essential to combat constipation, it also helps us regulate bad cholesterol and prevent atherosclerosis, according to many scientific articles.

The liver needs regular consumption of vegetables

Woman with liver pain.

The liver needs a constant supply of minerals and vitamins from fresh vegetables. Otherwise, if we reduce the consumption of fruits and vegetables, we will notice the following:

  • Cramps
  • Morning tiredness
  • Fluid retention.
  • Heavier digestions.
  • Bad taste in the mouth in the morning.
  • Bloated feeling and abdominal pain.

It is important to include in the diet all those vegetables that promote liver health. This is the case of artichokes, broccoli, beets, spinach …

Final aspects

To enjoy good health we need at least to consume between 5 and 7 daily pieces of fruits and vegetables. With taking an apple, a carrot, tomatoes, spinach, the juice of a lemon, an artichoke and a portion of melon a day, we would have more than enough.

Now, it is important to keep these aspects in mind:

  • Consume whole vegetables before processed. The whole piece will always be better than in a smoothie or cream, for example.
  • If you don’t digest fresh vegetables well, you can steam them.
  • Take care that the vegetables are organically grown. Sometimes, many of the vegetables that we buy in the supermarket have gone through processes where much of their nutrients are lost.
  • Clean the vegetables well before consuming them.
  • Set an example for children. It promotes a healthy diet where enough fresh vegetables are always consumed. Thanks to them we will control their weight, their correct growth and educate them on the value of healthy nutrition.

To keep in mind!

The best way to maintain health is to have a varied diet. We should not only consume enough vegetables but also meat, fish, fruit, etc. Any deficiency can cause problems so pay attention to your body. If in doubt, it is best to consult a medical professional.

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