The Dangers Of “second Hand Smoke”: What Strategies Can We Follow?

Second-hand smoke is that which reaches people who do not smoke, but who breathe the smoke exhaled by nearby smokers or that from burning the cigarette itself.

It’s hard to believe, but the reality is more than obvious: secondhand smoke kills. Second-hand smokers are exposed to a risk that, whether we like it or not, can lead to serious long-term health problems.

We are not just talking about lung cancer. We can also experience infections, heart problems, allergies, asthma … The worst of all is that the impact of second-hand smoke is very common in children. We know that, to end this type of risk, the only solution is to end the cigarette habit.

Despite the fact that the laws of many countries have already established measures to regulate its consumption in public spaces, the most serious problem is installed in the private sphere. Next, we give you more information on the subject.

Victims of secondhand smoke

According to a study by Mount Sinai Hospital in New York (United States), most of us are passive smokers without even knowing it. It is, without a doubt, a fact that worries and worries us.

The dangers of "secondhand smoke": what strategies can we follow?

In the study, blood levels of cotinine (a side product of nicotine) were analyzed in more than 20,000 nonsmokers. To their surprise, and that of the people who were part of the study themselves, a high percentage of them had an appreciable level of cotinine in their blood without being smokers, and without being close to a smoker relative.

What does this mean? Basically, that tobacco smoke is still present in many of the daily environments without knowing it.

No one at home needs to smoke. Our work environment, the cafeteria, a bus stop, a meeting, a party are scenarios in which this invisible enemy lives. After several years we end up accumulating this type of harmful toxin in the blood, in the lungs and in many of the organs.

Legislation against labor

Each one is free to smoke if you wish. Now, you must be sensitive to a very obvious reality: your habit affects the people around you. The consequences can be very harmful to everyone.

Secondhand smoke kills thousands a year. Breathing the smoke involves letting about 4,000 chemicals enter the body, of which 50 cause cancer. 

Woman revealing the damage of tobacco in the oral cavity

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) tells us that, in the case of children, it is not only secondhand smoke that is harmful. The third-hand, that is, the smoke that remains after smoking, is also deadly.

Every time a cigarette is lit, harmful toxins remain on clothing, curtains, walls, sofa, car upholstery and even on our hair … It is something very dangerous that we are not aware of.

  • Children can get more ear infections.
    • “There is a direct association between exposure to tobacco smoke (mostly due to parental smoking) and the development of otitis media and its recurrence” indicates a recent study.
  • They can suffer from colds, coughs, asthma, respiratory problems …

The European Union, for example, already began to take measures in 2004. The consumption of tobacco is prohibited in all public spaces, including bars and restaurants. However, the “anti-smoking law” is not enough.

One of the most serious problems continues to be, for example, smoking inside cars. All non-smokers (especially children) are affected by second and third hand smoke.

Measures against secondhand smoke

Recommendations to quit smoking

It’s clear to everyone: the only way to end secondhand smoke is to “end” firsthand smoke. That is, that we all become aware of the need to quit smoking.

It is not easy, we know. Now, how can we cope with having “smoking neighbors”? Or work in an environment where someone is smoking?

  • The most common thing, if our country does not yet have an anti-smoking law, it would be to fight for our rights.
  • Respectfully ask your partner who smokes to do so in an open space, as far away from non-smokers as possible.
  • Likewise, helping the partner to quit this habit can be valued. The same applies to relatives, partner, etc.
  • One way to “protect” ourselves from thirdhand smoke is to frequently wash home curtains and upholstery if we live with someone who smokes.
  • Ventilate well throughout the fall, every day, for at least 20-30 minutes, will also be essential.
  • If someone has smoked next to you, remember to wash your hair and clothes.
  • If there are smokers in your environment, establish periodic reviews with your doctor to take care of the health of your lungs or the levels of cotinine in the blood.
  • Do sports regularly, and if possible, outdoors.

We know that it is not easy to defend ourselves from a world where health enemies such as tobacco are legal, normalized and, therefore, allowed. Awareness, sensitivity and respect are undoubtedly the only strategies to end this risk, in which children are the most affected.

Hopefully there will come a future in which breathing is no longer dangerous.

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