These Are The 6 White Poisons You Consume

Doubts before buying a product? Generally, we try to find “the best” for our pantry. And on many occasions we do this based on what marketing has sold us, without appreciating that those products we buy can be real poisons.

The world is so industrialized that it seems that the least important thing is eating healthy foods. Those that really provide the nutrients, minerals and proteins necessary for the body.

We have grown up eating and drinking products that are toxic to the body. A kind of poisons that enter our lives masked, as if they were not harmful. But, in reality, they can cause diseases in the future such as:

  • Arterial hypertension
  • Diabetes
  • Asthma
  • Obesity
  • Cancer

The funny thing is that these disguised poisons have something in common: color. The aggressive combo that millions of people consume around the world is white. It has the same potency as a drug to attack health, and we do not even realize it.

1. White sugar

White sugar, one of the poisons for the body

In reality, sugar is not listed as a food. The reason? It does not contribute anything other than momentary energy to the body. It is a disaccharide obtained from the mixture of glucose and fructose.

Although it has plant origin, when it is extracted from sugar cane or beets, during the process, it loses fiber and protein. In addition to quicklime, which removes vitamins, they also put carbon dioxide into it when refining it.

Every time you eat sugar in an unbridled way, all you do is harm your body. And it’s not just about the increase in calories. There is a greater possibility of suffering from different problems :

  • Acne
  • Cardiovascular risk from high triglycerides
  • Cavities

In fact, according to a study published in the journal Critical Reviews in Clinical Laboratory Sciences  in 2016, consuming sugar can raise the risks of metabolic diseases and being overweight. Furthermore, these same effects have been recorded in previous studies.

The downside is that much of the research has been limited by lack of funding. In addition, the issue has been very controversial, as the industry has funded studies whose conclusions ensure that there are no adverse effects from the consumption of this substance.

2. Microwave popcorn

How do they keep the fat from leaking out? Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) are added to the popcorn. People ingest them in each bag when heated.

But what do they provoke us? They alter the endocrine system and sex hormones. Consuming this product increases the risk of:

  • Infertility
  • Thyroid problems
  • Weakening of the immune system
  • High cholesterol
  • Develop cancerous tumors.

The problem is not that they do not provide you with any good substance for the body, but that a toxic load adheres to the blood.

3. White poisons: sodium potassium benzoate

Sodium and potassium, white poisons

Sodium benzoate is a powder that is used to artificially preserve food. It has the potency of a carcinogenic poison.

This is mixed with ascorbic acid and used in products such as table salt and low-fat foods. Its consumption can trigger problems of hypertension, asthma and hyperactivity.

4. Sodium chloride

The grains that we use in the kitchen to add a touch to our meals have nothing to do with sea salt.  We actually ingest sodium chloride, and every time we add a pinch, the arteries lose elasticity. This causes alterations in the heart and in the functioning of the kidneys.

It is important to decrease your intake and choose to season with spices or sea salt.  Otherwise, we risk respiratory problems, risk of heart attack, fluid retention, asthma and possible osteoporosis.

5. Milk of animal origin and soy-based milk

Soy milk

Milk of animal origin, especially cow’s milk, can cause severe allergies and intolerances. In addition, in the pasteurization process they lose part of their properties.

On the other hand,  certain types of milk or dairy products have high levels of saturated fat. These fats shoot up cholesterol levels and are therefore a cardiovascular health risk.

Some studies even indicate that the consumption of high amounts of milk could cause premature aging due to galactose, one of the sugars present in milk. And one of its proteins, casein, is inflammatory and could trigger chronic problems.

In this case, the alternatives go through drinks of plant origin, but you also have to be careful. One of the most popular is soy, but for this  to be good for the body, it needs to go through a proper fermentation process.

The problem is that most industries do not sell organic plant milk, since they process it with toxic products. Among them we find hexanol, which, in addition to reducing the defenses of the immune system, can trigger complications such as:

  • Breast cancer
  • Renal impairment
  • Increased stress and anxiety
  • Lack of control in the nervous system

The serious thing is that it not only happens with milk, it also affects other soy-based substitutes such as meat or cheese. It is advisable to drink 100% organic soy milk.

6. White rice

What do you prefer white or brown rice? For years we have believed that white rice is healthier and even allows the body to discard what it does not need.

However, it is not the same as a couple of centuries ago. At present, the whole grain is subjected to a refining process for industrial purposes to remove the germ, leaving mostly starch.  This causes increased blood glucose and risk of diabetes.

To conclude, it is always advisable to know well what we eat and distinguish those foods that can become real poisons. In your hand is to reduce their consumption or even eliminate them from the diet. It’s up to you!

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